
Logowanie / rejestracja

  1. Comparisone of the Polish Rehabilitation System with other markets among European countries | PPS Presentation - 6,8 MB
    Paweł Adamkiewicz, Poland
  2. Classifying the levels of recommendations in guidelines - why GRADE? | PPS Presentation - 2,8 MB
    Małgorzata Bała, Poland
  3. National Medicines Policy 2018-2022 - a patient-related approach. International perspective | PPS Presentation - 1,5 MB
    Marcin Czech, Poland
  4. Joint HTA in Central Europe: policy relevance, pre-requisites and hurdles | PPS Presentation - 0,6 MB
    Dávid Dankó, Hungary
  5. Real World Experience with integrated healthcare in Czech Republic | PPS Presentation - 5,3 MB
    Jaroslaw Duba, Czech Republic
  6. Medical devices in health care services evaluation's practice | PPS Presentation - 0,2 MB
    Dominik Dziurda, Poland
  7. Improving Healthcare Decision-Making by including Patients and Families | PDF Presentation - 1 MB
    Karen Facey, UK
  8. Health Technology Assessment Issues in Kazakhstan | PPS Presentation - 2,2 MB
    Kamilla Gaitova, Kazakhstan
  9. Value-Based healthcare - from concept to practice: learnings from Australia. A perspective from the medical device industry | PPS Presentation - 9,3 MB
    John Gillespie, Australia
  10. Samorządowe programy polityki zdrowotnej - obecna i przyszła perspektywa | PPS Presentation - 3,0 MB
    Sylwia Grzesiak-Ambroży, Poland
  11. Different aspects and models of coordinated health-care system in Poland | PPS Presentation - 2,1 MB
    Urszula Jaworska, Poland
  12. Developing Trustworthy Dietary Guidelines: An Overview of NutriRECS Methods to Determine Dietary Recommendations in the Face of Uncertainty | PPS Presentation - 4,4 MB
    Bradley Johnston, Canada
  13. Rola argumentów ekonomicznych w uzasadnianiu programów zdrowia publicznego | PPS Presentation - 6,5 MB
    Grzegorz Juszczyk, Poland
  14. Path of Health Technologies to patients is bumpy so why shouldn't we straighten it? A perspective from the Czech Republic | PPS Presentation - 2,1 MB
    Martin Kolek, Czech Republic
  15. Zmiany w Polskiej Psychiatrii - Pilotaż centrów zdrowia psychicznego | PPS Presentation - 0,2 MB
    Zbigniew Król, Poland
  16. Evidence-Based Clinical Reference Tools for Improvement of Healthcare | PPS Presentation - 4,6 MB
    Dušan Krstić, Czech Republic
  17. Patient organisations: guides for patients, hospitals and the healthcare system | PPS Presentation - 4,9 MB
    Anna Kupiecka, Poland
  18. Is coordinated care possible in rheumatology? | PPS Presentation - 5,8 MB
    Brygida Kwiatkowska, Poland
  19. Głos pacjenta, czyli kogo? | PPS Presentation - 4,3 MB
    Maria Libura, Poland
  20. Opieka na pacjentem z cukrzycą – szanse i wyzwania. Polska liderem czy skansenem Europy? | PPS Presentation - 5,5 MB
    Maciej Małecki, Poland
  21. Pharmaceutical pictograms: a new dimension of doctors and pharmacists’ cooperation for improved communication with patients and therapeutic effects of treating chronic diseases in Poland | PPS Presentation - 32 MB
    Piotr Merks, Poland
  22. Fakty i mity na temat refundacji wyrobów chłonnych. Porównanie zasad finansowania pomiędzy Polską, Czechami i Słowacją | PPS Presentation - 0,7 MB
    Piotr Miazga, Poland
  23. Value Frameworks And Decision-Making Around The Globe. Towards integrated HTA and improved decision making | PPS Presentation - 4 MB
    Wija Oortwijn, Netherlands
  24. Miejsce i rola porównania pośredniego w HTA / The place and role of indirect treatment comparison in HTA | PPS Presentation - 1,4 MB
    Przemysław Ryś, Poland
  25. Reducing waiting times in health care - overview of international practices | PPS Presentation - 1,5 MB
    Iwona Skrzekowska-Baran, Poland
  26. Skoordynowana opieka neurologiczna w Małopolsce: stwardnienie rozsiane | PPS Presentation - 0,4 MB
    Skoordynowana opieka w Małopolsce: udar mózgu | PPS Presentation - 0,6 MB
    Agnieszka Słowik, Poland
  27. Complexand coordinatedhealthcare–the newqualityfor patients | PDF Presentation - 1,3 MB
    Andrzej Śliwczyński, Poland
  28. Trends in European marketing authorisation practice in oncological indications | PPS Presentation - 0,7 MB
    Ewa Walkiewicz, Poland
  29. Best value procurement (BVP) – from theory to practice | PPS Presentation - 1,7 MB
    Magdalena Władysiuk, Poland
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