- BeNeLuxA experience and Belgium value based pricing | Presentation - 1,4 MB
Francis Arickx, Belgium - GRADE approach to assess certainty of evidence in HTA | Presentation - 1,8 MB
Małgorzata Bała, Poland - The Real World of the Patient, their Data and Quality Registries in Sweden | Presentation - 15,5 MB
John Eric Chaplin, Sweden - From theory to practice: Hospital Based - Health Technology Assessment at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona | Presentation - 2,2 MB
Carla Fernández Barceló, Spain - Optimization of care for patients with multiple sclerosis in Poland -from EBM to VBHC | Presentation - 1,7 MB
Jakub Gierczyński, Poland - Importance of triple value in universal healthcare systems | Presentation - 2,3 MB
Erica Ison, UK - Multi-criteria decision making in determining the value of health technologies | Presentation - 4 MB
Michał Jakubczyk, Poland - Teoria i praktyka programów polityki zdrowotnej z perspektywy samorządowca | Presentation - 3,8 MB
Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Poland - Local governments in the Public Health System | Presentation - 4 MB
Grzegorz Juszczyk, Poland - Problem z wartościami w ochronie zdrowia opartej na wartości | Presentation - 2 MB
Maria Libura, Poland - Algorytm oceny stopnia innowacyjności technologii medycznych (AOSITM) we wskazaniach hematoonkologicznych | Presentation - 400 kB
Joanna Łapa, Poland - Art. 13 ust. 3 ustawy o refundacji – analiza przypadków | Presentation - 2 MB
Robert Plisko, Poland - Evidence or Value? New models of healthcare services | Presentation - 1 MB
Michał Rataj, Poland - Value-based healthcare drives preventive care | Presentation - 13,3 MB
Paulina Rolska-Wójcik, Poland - Patient-reported outcomes and their significance | Presentation - 2,5 MB
Przemysław Ryś, Poland - Enhancing the assessment process of medical devices | Presentation - 500 kB
Stefan Sauerland, Germany - A rare disease, one might say: JUST HEALTH CARE | Presentation - 300 kB
Małgorzata Skweres-Kuchta, Poland - Value-based healthcare system in Poland - AOTMiT's projects, tasks and perspective | Presentation - 3,8 MB
Roman Topór-Mądry, Poland - Programy polityki zdrowotnej – obecne zmiany w Polsce | Presentation - 2,5 MB
Roman Topór-Mądry, Poland - Innowacyjne modele płatności dla leków | Presentation - 2 MB
Magdalena Władysiuk, Poland - Virtuous pricing | Presentation - 60 kB
Magdalena Władysiuk, Poland - Czy można poprawić efektywność operacyjną funkcjonowania szpitala/oddziału/procedury medycznej? | Presentation - 1,6 MB
Rafał Zasiewski, Poland